10 Sequels To Classic Movies You Had No Idea Existed

9. Highlander: The Source

Highlander II: The Quickening is probably one of the most reviled sequels ever made. It took the rich mythology of the original and ground it into dust. It ret-conned the first film entirely, turning the immortal warriors into aliens, and none of the charm or creativity survived the translation. With that in mind, it€™s impressive that Highlander II isn€™t considered the worst movie in the franchise. That €œhonour€ goes to the fifth entry Highlander: The Source, which was so bad it bypassed cinemas and debuted on the SyFy channel. It€™s even been banished from the collective memories of hardcore Highlander fans. By the time The Source was made series star Christopher Lambert had already checked out, and bland hunk Adrian Paul - who starred in the Highlander TV show - had to fill in. The sad thing is The Source actually has an intriguing concept, with a band of immortals teaming up to find the origin of their gift/curse, but that€™s where the good things end. A terrible script, cheap special effects, badly shot fight scenes and plain old boredom rule the day. It€™s an old joke, but when it comes to Highlander movies it rings very true: There Should Only Have Been One.
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