10 Star Trek Cameos You (Probably) Missed

5. Jeff Bezos - Star Trek Beyond

Tom Morello Star Trek Cameo
Bloomberg & Paramount

Jeff Bezos appears in Star Trek Beyond, not as the future leader of a product fulfillment company, but as an alien technician who helps to apply universal translators to people. It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it.

Bezos had campaigned for a long time to get a part in a Star Trek production, which he said included frequent phone calls to Paramount studios. He was unable to get a role in Star Trek 2009 or Star Trek Into Darkness, so when Beyond was rolling around he upped the ante, which resulted in his role.

Director Justin Lin got the call that Bezos was to be included in the film, with a couple of provisos. First, he had to be given a speaking part, no matter how small the role. Second, whatever words he spoke had to be a part of the plot to the point that they couldn't be cut out of the movie during editing.

While the importance of the words 'speak now' is up for a bit of debate, Bezos got his wish and he appears on-screen for roughly two seconds. It clearly pays to be connected (and have more money than the wildest dreams of Avarice).

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick