10 Star Trek ‘Special Movie Events’ The Fans Want To See

7. The Temporal Wars

Tomed Incident Enterprise B Romulan Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

We were so close! Star Trek Enterprise may not have handled the Temporal Cold War perfectly, but to be fair, they were dealing with a lot. Time, ironically, has only helped this story become more and more interesting.

Star Trek: Discovery has now teased us with Kovich's descriptions of the Temporal Wars. Carl, when asked by Burnham and Georgiou, explains that he has hidden himself due to being coerced to help Temporal Battles take place.

The fun thing about Temporal Wars is that it can take place in all periods of Star Trek history. Technically, it could lead to one of the largest reunions that Trek has ever attempted. Imagine it - Burnham, Archer, Braxton, and probably Janeway - who can't seem to go a week without violating the Temporal Prime Directive - leading factions in the War.

We fully admit that this could just be a fanboy pipe dream, but to be serious a moment - they have been teased in Discovery, and they were never truly resolved in Enterprise. A Long Trek may be just the thing to bridge the gap, unify these two disparate shows, and give fans a little bit of a treat.

Also who the bloody hell was Future Guy?!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick