10 Star Trek ‘Special Movie Events’ The Fans Want To See

6. Journey Of The Enterprise J

Tomed Incident Enterprise B Romulan Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

Ah, the Enterprise-J. We hardly knew her. Scratch that. We didn't know her, at all! One appearance, sort of, in Azati Prime, is what we got. Well that just isn't enough!

The Enterprise-J design, by Doug Drexler, proved divisive. It was made to look futuristic, and it certainly was that, but the spindly nacelle struts, and enormous saucer section, were a little jarring.

However, The Roddenberry Archive has recently unveiled an updated version of the design. Whilst the overall shape remains the same, the Hull is now transparent, and we can see what's going on inside - as per Drexler's original wishes.

The Enterprise-J is effectively a flying colony, with fields, and rivers, winding their way through the ship itself. We have never seen a colony ship quite like this in Star Trek before, and it's an ingenious idea. Why not send the colony itself to the new world?

Until this point, the size of the J was a little overwhelming, as all previous ships to bear the name could comfortably sit on its saucer. Now, this is given greater explanation, and the story of a colony called Enterprise could be a perfect candidate for a Long Trek.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick