10 Star Trek ‘Special Movie Events’ The Fans Want To See

5. Reflections

Tomed Incident Enterprise B Romulan Star Trek
The Roddenberry Archive/OTOY

The recent video that was released by OTOY and The Roddenberry Archive has collectively blown the minds of fans who've had a chance to watch it. With a combination of CGI, and actors in make-up, Star Trek Generations has been given a new coda ending.

The scene begins with ships arriving for what will become the eventual removal, and salvage, of the Enterprise-D's saucer section from Veridian III. However, it is the scene that follows that we believe should be expanded into a long trek.

Thanks to the aforementioned magic of cinema, Leonard Nimoy's Spock lives again. He is seen climbing the rock face on the planet, heading toward a small pile of stones. There, upon the cairn, is James T. Kirk's Starfleet badge. It is a moment that brings a lump to your throat, but there's more to the story.

This scene is based on the IDW comic 'Reflections'. This, combined with the William Shatner/Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens penned Ashes To Eden/The Return, offer hope to Kirk fans that his story may not yet be ended.

There is also the Easter egg in Daystrom Station that shows Kirk's body in storage, as part of 'Project Phoenix'.

Whichever direction the long trek could take, there are now several story threads that could lead to return of the man, the legend, James Tiberius Kirk.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick