10 Star Trek ‘Special Movie Events’ The Fans Want To See

4. Shran After Starfleet

Tomed Incident Enterprise B Romulan Star Trek

When Shran is first introduced in Star Trek Enterprise, he is hostile, focusing that on both the Vulcans and their allies, Starfleet. Now, it takes a while, but eventually he comes to respect the pink-skins, and particularly Captain Archer.

So, other than the completely obvious attempt to get Jeffrey Combs back in Star Trek, this links in with our entry about the Birth of the Federation. We still know very little about the Andorians, or indeed the Aenar.

So much of Star Trek remains focused on Humans, Klingons, Vulcans, and often Borg, that some of the other key species in the Quadrant don't get a look-in. Shran is the perfect viewpoint character to explore Andorian society as a whole.

The groundwork has already been laid in Enterprise, with his character having softened toward Starfleet, but what of the rest of his people? We saw several struggle to accept alliances with Humans or Vulcans, so we can't imagine the decision to join the Federation occurred overnight.

Ambassador Shran, working with the Andorian Guard, opening the way for alliance and understanding, would make for a fascinating excuse to bring Combs back.

Sorry, we mean fascinating tale of redemption and education. And the other thing too.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick