10 Star Trek ‘Special Movie Events’ The Fans Want To See

3. The Setlick III Massacre

Tomed Incident Enterprise B Romulan Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

The Attack on Khitomer. Jack Crusher's death. And now the massacre of Setlik III. I promise folks, I'm feeling OK!

This hugely formative event in Miles O'Brien's history is oft-discussed in TNG and DS9, though never seen. There is a method behind this - as DS9 was headed towards the Dominion War, featuring the Cardassians as their allies, it could feel slightly redundant to go back and depict the earlier Cardassian wars with Starfleet.

The Wounded gave us Captain Benjamin Maxwell, and his single-minded crusade against the Cardassians. It fell to O'Brien to talk the man down, based on their mutual history, serving together, and surviving Setlik III.

This pivotal moment in Cardassian-Federation relations would rear its head again in Tribunal, where O'Brien continues the trend of suffering for the enjoyment of the writers.

By all accounts, it was an horrific assault, with civilians very much in the line of fire. While there is very little chance of the Cardassians coming out of it looking good, there is a fascinating story to be told from the point of view of the soldiers on the ground.

Do they remember the massacre as O'Brien and Maxwell do? Are they truly the villains as history remembers, or just another sad example of a leader ordering an assault, carried out by soldiers just following orders?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick