10 Steps To Successfully Reboot The X-Men Into The MCU

7. No Chess Matches

Wolverine MCU

Obviously, it would be very difficult to make an X-Men movie that doesn't touch on the relationship between Charles Xavier and Magneto at all, given how their stories have always been so closely linked in both the comic books and on the big screen.

However, we've seen more than enough of the long-winded conversations, friendship that turns to hatred before eventually becoming mutual respect and scenes of them playing chess to last us a lifetime, and with the franchise under new ownership there's no real reason to return to a well that already ran well and truly dry by the time Fox's run of X-Men flicks came to an end.

Xavier and Magneto will more than likely play important roles in the MCU's reboot, but unless the studio are supremely confident that whoever they end up casting can improve upon either the Stewart/McKellen or McAvoy/Fassbender dynamic, then the two iconic characters would be better off offering up the spotlight to other mutants to do the onscreen heavy lifting while they remain background players.

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