10 Superhero Movies That Changed Comic Book Characters Forever

2. Spider-Man - Spider-Man

Star Lord Thumbnail
Sony Pictures

In 2002, director Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man made an interesting adjustment in a defining power of the superhero. In the film when he was bitten, he obtained super strength, acrobatics, spidey sense, and organic webs.

At the time all other renderings of Peter Parker made him invent web shooters, as to emphasise his intellect, and give weakness to the webslinger when the cartridges emptied. Organic webbing allowed the personality to manipulate the quality of web, granting us countless imagery of Parker struggling with its inconsistency when the times grew hard.

Subsequently, the comics followed, and worked to embrace the change. A few issues later, Peter kissed Spider-Queen, turned into a spider, gave birth to himself, and acquired the organic webs.

Peter didn't retain the web system forever, but reminisces when he was able to. Different members of The Spider-Man Family gained the ability, such as Kaine Parker and Silk.


Just some Irish lad that appears and disappears.