10 Superheroes Who Need To Die In Their Next Movie
4. Storm
The Reasoning: Would Anybody Actually Care? Does anybody actually like Storm? We're not talking about the Storm of the comics or of the X-Men animated series, but the Storm of the X-Men movies, as played by Halle Berry. Would absolutely anybody on Earth be bothered if she was... you know... bumped off? Probably not - and that's as good a reason as any to actually go ahead and do it. Berry has never fully gelled with the character; nobody cares... what, really, is the point, then? Of all the reasons to kill off a character argued within this list, this one might seem like the most petty. But when you genuinely think about it, there's no real reason to keep a character around when fans aren't concerned with whether they live or die. And given that the X-Men universe thrives on "pretending" that its characters are dead instead of actually killing them (seriously: does anyone actually ever die?), an actual death would be interesting.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.