10 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined The X-Men Movies For Everyone

1. X-Men: The Last Stand

Although it's only the second worst film in the X-Men movie franchise (X-Men Origins: Wolverine is the worst), the consequences that could have potentially occurred from the debacle that was X-Men: The Last Stand don't really bear thinking about. We lost three major characters in Professor X, Jean Grey and Cyclops, we saw a horrific version of the Juggernaut introduced to the world, we ended up with a powerless Magneto and a string of continuity problems were brought to light as a result of this movie (not least the previously mentioned fact that Professor X and Magneto were apparently friends in the 1970s). Fox essentially tried to do too much with this movie. Characters were thrown in needlessly, deaths were written in seemingly for nothing more than dramatic effect, characters were displaying powers they'd never displayed before and the Dark Phoenix portrayal and story was horrible and rushed. Luckily, the events of the movie have all been retconned and we can forget/pretend it ever happened. So there you have it - ten terrible mistakes that almost ruined the X-Men movie franchise for everyone. Did you like this article? Do you agree that these were or would have been terrible mistakes? What else almost ruined the X-Men franchise for you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.