10 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined The X-Men Movies For Everyone

9. Power Inconsistencies

A number of characters in the X-Men movie universe have displayed remarkably inconsistent levels of power. Wolverine, in particular, has varied massively in terms of the speed and efficiency of his healing powers - from being completely knocked out with a single bullet that left a wound which took several seconds to heal, to shrugging off the massively destructive levels of telekinesis displayed by Jean Grey and healing immediately from the wounds it caused him. And what was with the whole "an adamantium bullet will make him forget" thing?! Storm is another example. Her power is to control the weather - therefore any lightning that she should be able to use as a weapon should come from above. And yet, in The Last Stand, she was able to fire lightning from her hands in order to kill Callisto. Finally for this point (but by no means the last of the power issues displayed in the movies), Kitty Pryde displayed a completely random power in Days of Future Past. Having been shown as doing nothing other than being able to phase through solid objects in previous movies, she suddenly developed the power to project Wolverine's consciousness back to 1973 to prevent Mystique from assassinating Bolivar Trask. In the comic book version of the story (which was obviously very different to the movie), it was Kitty herself who went back in time - and even then it wasn't under her own power - so where she developed the obscure ability to project other people's consciousness back in time in the movie universe is completely unknown.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.