10 Terrifying Horror Movie Phone Calls You'll Never Forget

8. Teeth

Ring Ringu
Roadside Attractions

2007 offering Teeth is the movie that introduced us all to the term "vagina dentata" - and for a creepy sap called Ryan, he got to fully experience this most unique of conditions first hand.

In Teeth, Jess Weixler plays Dawn, a mild-mannered good Christian girl who discovers that she has actual teeth in her nether-regions. What can easily be pegged as a shock gimmick to draw in curious eyes looking for something bizarre, instead is an exploration of consent and abuse. But still, at the heart of the matter is indeed a toothy vagina.

When Ashley Springer's Ryan acts as a shoulder to cry on for Jess, this leads to the pair having teeth-free intercourse. Upon partaking in further horizontal hustle the following morning, the action is interrupted by a phone call.

Opting to take the call mid-act, Ryan reveals how he only slept with Jess as part of a bet with his pals. The thing is, Ryan and Jess are still, err, 'connected' when this creep decides to spill the beans. As such, Jess' vagina dentata kicks into gear and bites off Ryan's manhood.

The contents of the actual phone call may not be exactly terrifying - more crass and classless - but it results in a moment that you certainly won't forget in a hurry!

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