10 Things We Want To See In Simon Kinberg's Battlestar Galactica Film

2. Hope

Battlestar Galactica

If there is one criticism against the re-imagined series that is arguably fair, it is the overriding sense of doom and gloom that runs throughout. In a way, it makes perfect sense for that to be the case - it is a show set in the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse, it is hardly going to be a laugh riot.

Assuming that Kinberg's BSG movie will feature the destruction of the Twelve Colonies as well, that leaves the audience in the same position that the re-imagined series and the original series began with - and that is that the main characters will be attempting to come to terms with the death of everything.


While the world itself may not be the most hopeful place at the moment, adding yet another doomsday scenario, with a group of people who hate each other, does nothing to advance either the story nor the genre. In a way, it is a case of 'been there, done that'.

Rather than focusing on the deaths of billions, having the focus being on the survival of thousands could be a key, yet fundamentally important, focus for the film.

One thing is clear - Battlestar Galactica is a story that has already been told. Repeating that story offers very little in the way of interest - offering something new is the only way forward.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick