10 Times Requiem For A Dream Scared The Hell Out Of You

6. When Marion Sleeps With Her Therapist

Harry asking his girlfriend to sleep with her pervy therapist for money is creepy enough - this is not a traditional relationship in any sense. The depraved nature of both Harry and Marion is really acute here; and Marion's copulation with Arnold is intense and sickening. The animalistic nature of this bizarre sex scene makes it one of several throughout the film, but that doesn't make it any easier to watch. The foreboding theme tune plays again, indicating the depths of Marion's misery, and by the time she's left the apartment, thrown up, and made her way home to the anxious Harry, we're left with a feeling of being slightly scarred for life. Pass the bucket quickly; things just got a little more than a bit messed up. It's Scary Because: no one should ever have to sink to such levels of desperation as to sleep with their nasty therapist. Even with the thumbs up from the boyfriend.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).