10 Times James Bond Was A Complete And Utter B*stard
4. Using A Woman As A Human Shield - Thunderball/The Spy Who Loved Me
A trick Bond has pulled off at least twice. In Thunderball 007 is dancing with a female Spectre agent as gunmen close in. Her death is a little ambiguous as depending on how people see it she either twisted herself around to save him, or he noticed the gunman and spun her around in just in time. Still, as he takes her lifeless body over to a table he does find time to make a quip about it. And again in The Spy Who Loved Me, Bond is smooching with a woman who spots an assassin coming behind him. She yells out and James selflessly throws her into the path of the bullet. A true British gent. Bond has used women for this own ends plenty of times but even this is a step too far. Both movies let him off the hook because hey, hes the hero, even though he just used a woman to save his own skin. Walking away with nary a glance backwards isn't exactly chivalrous either.