10 Trick Castings That Totally Fooled You

1. Steven Seagal - Executive Decision

Jared Leto Joker
Warner Bros. Pictures

Steven Seagal was riding high in 1994. His first five movies were huge hits, he was one of the biggest action stars on the planet and he was commanding large fees. How times change. Still, the makers of Executive Decision decided to use his status to pull a fast one on audiences.

The story involves a hijacked plane, which a team of soldiers has to infiltrate and seize back. The trailers and posters made it look like a two-hander between Seagal and Kurt Russell; Russell would be the uptight brain and Steven the kickass brawn. Instead, the movie does an epic rug pull, with Seagal having to sacrifice himself in the first act to prevent damage to the plane.

It’s a real shocker and anyone who expected a Seagal action flick must have utterly stunned. Looking back it was a little sneaky of the producers to promote Seagal’s role so heavily, especially when he doesn’t even set foot on the plane. That said if they hadn’t maybe his surprise death wouldn’t have worked so well.

Can you think of any other movies that mis-sold an actor's involvement in the story? Share them in the comments below.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.