10 Trick Castings That Totally Fooled You

7. Drew Barrymore - Scream

Jared Leto Joker

It’s an old trick, but an effective one; cast a name actor, splash them over the poster and make it appear they’re the lead, even though they die within the first act. In slasher movies, it’s a famous trope from Psycho, where Janet Leigh is the lead until she meets a bloody end halfway through.

Scream borrowed this tactic for the opening scene, casting Drew Barrymore as a teen menaced by a serial killer. Since she was the biggest name and is front and centre on the poster, it seemed safe to assume she’d be sticking around for the duration.

Nope; she’s killed and gutted by the end of the scene. This established Scream wasn’t messing around, and it up's the stakes for the rest of the characters. Barrymore was actually offered the lead originally but opted for the opening scene instead, realising just how memorable it could be if it was pulled off right; smart choice.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.