10 Unreleased Movie Cuts We Want To See After The Snyder Cut

1. Cats: The Butthole Cut

Cats Butthole Cut
Universal Pictures

Cats is going to live forever in infamy as one of the worst movies in recent history, as the musical adaptation that was originally intended to be a serious awards season player was savaged by critics, baffled audiences with its sheer what-the-f*ckery and ended up losing Universal over $100m.

Even the cast have admitted that they heard it was terrible, but in all of the negative publicity surrounding Cats, spare a thought for the one animator who was reportedly hired specifically to trawl through all of the movie's 110 minutes so that they could painstakingly erase each and every digital feline butthole from existence.

That's right, if Cats wasn't weird enough already, a VFX artist that worked on the box office bomb confirmed that the Butthole Cut exists. During a post-production playback, the crew noticed than there were more than a few anuses on show and... well, you can read the quote for yourself in all of its hilarity.

"When we were looking at the playbacks, we were like, 'What the hell? You guys see that?!'. We paused it. We went to call our supervisor, and we're like, 'There's a f*cking a**hole in there! There's buttholes! What the hell is that? There's a f*cking butthole in there!'. It wasn't in your face, but at the same time, if you're looking, you'll see it."

If anything, the release of the Butthole Cut might even see Cats finally turn a profit given how it seems like exactly the kind of thing people would actively seek out based on nothing more than morbid curiosity and desire to see a terrible movie given an even more uncomfortable new twist.

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