10 Upcoming Blockbusters You Totally Forgot Were Coming In 2016

7. The Huntsman: Winter's War

Probably one of the weirder spin-offs of modern times, Winter€™s War follows the origin story of the beefcake warrior we all know - and barely remember - from Snow White And The Huntsman. We€™ll see him fall in love with Jessica Chastain and take on Charlize Theron€™s evil queen for the first time, and we€™ll all try to look surprised when we find out how it ends. Making a Snow White movie with Snow White is a puzzling choice (which was no doubt informed by the gossip column friendly scandal that hit the first movie) and it doesn€™t feel like people are clamouring for the further adventures of Chris Hemsworth€™s charisma-free axeman. Since the original was a hit the studio are willing to roll the dice, though, and the addition of Emily Blunt and Jessica Chastain will at least mean a few decent performances amidst the CGI onslaught. If the studio is trying to be build a lasting franchise based around The Huntsman character €“ or even worse, some kind of fairytale shared universe €“ it€™s hard to see where the character could go beyond this story. Is Red Riding Hood Vs. The Huntsman: Dawn Of Sleeping Beauty coming our way in 2019?

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.