10 Upcoming Blockbusters You Totally Forgot Were Coming In 2016

5. Mother's Day

The heartless, evil monsters who brought you all-star slush like Valentine€™s Day and New Year€™s Eve have returned to complete the trilogy of terror with Mother€™s Day. Like those other movies, it will feature a bunch of intertwining stories set on Mother€™s Day, where some characters will learn lessons about love and family and everyone in the audience will wish they could just kill themselves. There€™s something depressingly cynical about this series of movies, where director Garry Marshall will pick a famous date, assemble a bunch of name actors €“ who€™ll be well paid for about a week€™s work - and coat the whole thing with a thick layer of sugary sentimentality. It€™s a formula that€™s worked well so far, because despite receiving terrible reviews both of the previous movies were sizable hits. The cast, this time, includes Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts and British comedian Jack Whitehall. While nobody is talking about it now, it will probably be a huge hit when it comes out and pave the way for Father€™s Day, Christmas Eve and €“ God willing €“ Judgment Day. And none of them will even need a script!

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.