10 Upcoming Blockbusters You Totally Forgot Were Coming In 2016

4. Rings

The brief love affair with remakes of J-horror began with the American version of The Ring, and ended around the time of The Ring 2. The image of a ghostly girl with lank hair slowly lumbering towards the camera wore out its welcome real fast, and it€™s an image that no longer holds the power it used to. So the arrival of a third entry in The Ring franchise feels late to the party, and it won€™t even have Naomi Watts to lend it some star power. The new film will have a group of college students who, somewhat unwisely, take turns watching Samara€™s cursed video. One of them finds himself with only half a day to escape Samara€™s wrath, but at least, he took the time to appreciate the power of VHS. The odds of Rings being any good are grim, and it will likely be a jump-scare riddled horror flick aimed solely at easily startled teens. Another bad sign is that it€™s been delayed multiple times, meaning even the studio doesn't have confidence in it. This year will also see the release of The Ring Vs. The Grudge in Japan, where the two most popular lank-haired ghost girls will presumably crawl slowly towards one another, until one of them dies of boredom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dknsDiApiXM

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.