10 Upcoming Films Starring Doctor Who Actors You Have To See

8. North V South (Freema Agyeman)

Life as the Doctor's coveted companion is a rollercoaster at the very best of times but Martha Jones' tenure on the TARDIS was even more turbulent than most owing to the fact that she spent most of it trying to escape the shadow of her persistent predecessor, Rose Tyler. The same can be said for Freema Agyeman, too, who had pretty big shoes to fill when she was enlisted as Billie Piper's replacement back in Series 3. It didn't take her long to silence the naysayers, though, as the nation took Freema's portrayal of Martha's unrequited love story to their heart to make her one of the show's most popular leading ladies to date. And her career has been going from strength to strength since she turned her back on the Whoniverse. She appeared in Little Dorrit back in 2008 before starring in the BBC's post-apocalyptic series Survivors (OK, so she was only in one episode but it doesn't really matter since it got axed anyway!) and most recently she's been getting to grips with fashion as the hip, British, cutting edge style editor, Larissa Loughlin, in The Carrie Diaries (also axed - what gives, Freema?!). Next up, though, you'll be able to catch Freema as Penny in North v South, a thriller written and directed by Steven Nesbit which depicts the tale of two star-crossed lovers who attempt to navigate themselves through the all out war between the North and South criminal underworlds. There isn't a trailer for this one yet unfortunately but it's one to look out for if you're a fan of good ol' fashioned British grit. And let's face it, who isn't?
Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.