10 Villains That Will Appear In New The Amazing Spider-Man Movies

8. Doctor Octopus

Doctor Octopus appearing in future films is almost a given considering his success in the Raimi film and that we€™ve already been treated to his suit at Oscorp. Given that there seems to be a lot of scientists at Oscorp already, it is quite easy to imagine that he is already working for the science company in some capacity. That would give Sony a simple way in which to explain how the character came to be involved with the Sinister Six, who we already know are getting their own movie before the Amazing Spider-Man 3 anyway. In the comics, Doctor Otto Octavius is a brilliant and respected nuclear physicist (so there€™s the connection to Oscorp) among other jobs such as consultant, inventor and lecturer. After an accidental radiation leak he becomes attached to a set of metal arms he created, the radiation allowing him to control them with his mind but also warping him into becoming the criminal Doctor Octopus. At one point, he even manages to swap minds with Spider-Man, becoming the Superior Spider-Man and leaving Peter Parker€™s spirit lost, although the real Spider-Man later returns to his own body. Now wouldn€™t that make an interesting Spider-Man movie?

Everton fanatic. Comic book reader and Spider-Man idoliser. Film watcher and TV binger. A smorgasbord of interests.