Years after a zombie apocalypse, a zombie simply known as R (played by Nicholas Hoult) spends his days wandering around an airport which is now filled with hordes of his fellow undead. One day he meets a young lady named Julia (played by Teresa Palmer) and suddenly he no longer has much interest in eating human flesh. R hides Julia and keeps her safe from all of his fellow undead brethren until he can help her get back to safety. The two quickly form a romantic relationship as she teachers R what it means to be human again (literally). Now, it should be noted that we are far too sophisticated to make a bunch of sexually explicit zombie jokes but just for the record we'd like to share with you all the jokes we could have made. For instance; we could have mentioned that he now prefers getting brain as opposed to eating brains. We could of mentioned that instead of eating her he choose to... yeah, you get the point. With the release of Aubrey Plaza's 'Life After Beth', which features a similar zombie-human relationship, could this be the official emergence of the "zom-rom-com"? A small part of us sure hopes so, though an even bigger part of us sure hopes not.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: