10 Worst MCU Movie Posters (So Far)

5. The Incredible Hulk (Unused Posters)

Spider Man Far From Home

While these were ultimately unused, it's still hilarious to look at these absolutely horrendous posters.

It looks like a bad direct-to-DVD cover from the early 2000s, not the movie that helped to kickstart(ish) the MCU with a $150 million budget.

Obviously there's a reason this one went unused, but there are multiple just like it. Awful lighting and pasting of different characters' heads all over the place, terrible facial expressions ridiculous placements of the Hulk aplenty, it's incredibly lucky that these posters never saw the light of day.

Seriously, whoever thought that photo of Edward Norton would ever be acceptable for a theatrical release poster was very, very wrong.


Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.