10 X-Men Characters The Movies Totally Wasted

7. Rogue

Rogue plays a hugely important role in Bryan Singer's X-Men, acting as the audience surrogate and introduction to the world of mutants and their various abilities, as well as playing a key part in Magneto's plot to turn an entire United Nations delegation into mutants. However, the big screen version of the character is nothing like her comic book counterpart, generally regarded as one of the most popular and powerful of all the X-Men. Usually depicted as a strong and independent character on the page, Anna Paquin's Rogue is instead painted as a shy and demure young woman, constantly finding herself caught up in love triangles that involve some combination of herself, Iceman, Pyro and Kitty Pryde. Suffering from the law of diminishing returns in terms of screentime, by The Last Stand Rogue opts for the mutant cure and disappears for a huge majority of the narrative, essentially saying 'I'm going to permanently alter who I am so that I can have a boyfriend'. Which actually sounds like the recurring theme of Twilight, which is not a great comparison. Then, after returning to the fold for Days of Future Past it turned out that all of Rogue's scenes ended up on the cutting room floor, bar a brief cameo during the movie's epilogue that shows her as being back together with Iceman. A fan of both Anna Paquin and the character, Bryan Singer has since revealed that her scenes will be added back into the movie for the special edition DVD release, now dubbed 'The Rogue Cut'.

I don't do social media, so like or follow me in person but please maintain a safe distance or the authorities will be notified. Don't snap me though, I'll probably break. I was once labelled a misogynist on this very site in a twenty paragraph-long rant for daring to speak ill of the Twilight franchise. I stand by what I said, it's crap.