10 X-Men Characters The Movies Totally Wasted

5. Gambit

Since his first comic book appearance in 1990, Gambit has gone on to establish himself as one of the most popular characters in the history of the X-Men. Fans had been clamoring for the Cajun mutant to appear in the big-screen franchise for years, but when he did audiences were left with a crushingly disappointing version of everybody's favorite staff-wielding card thrower. Bryan Singer had intended for Gambit to appear in The Last Stand when he was still attached to the project (with Josh Holloway offered the role), but the character was instead held back and introduced in the mess that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine in the form of Taylor Kitsch. The actor does his best with the underwritten character, who only seems to have been included due to popular demand and gets virtually nothing to do; Gambit has one brief action scene, flies Wolverine to Three Mile Island on his private jet (huh?) and then briefly shows up at the end to tell Wolverine that his name is Logan. Not exactly what the fans had in mind. Of course, Gambit is coming back to the big-screen in next year's X-Men: Apocalypse with his own spin-off scheduled for release in July 2018, this time with Channing Tatum in the role. The actor has been vocal about his love for the character, and with a popular and bankable star in place hopefully the creative team will deliver a more memorable take on the perenially-popular Remy LeBeau than we got in 2009.

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