10 X-Men Movie Concept Designs Better Than What We Got

8. Hooded Juggernaut (X-Men: Days Of Future Past)

Tim Flatter X Men Concept Art
Anthony Jones

The Juggernaut's credibility is still recovering from Vinnie Jones's performance in X-Men: The Last Stand, so it comes as little surprise that Cain Marko hasn't appeared in the series since the closing chapter of the original trilogy.

That, however, almost changed when Fox were putting X-Men: Days Of Future Past together several years ago. Professor X's stepbrother originally had a role in the movie and concept art has revealed how he might have looked.

Visual artist Anthony Jones whipped up a design based on Jones's version of the mutant powerhouse with a few improvements here and there. Instead of that ridiculous-looking helmet, he sports a red hood and mask, a nice compromise between realism and remaining true to the original comic books.

Reports suggest the plan was to have Juggernaut, rather than Quicksilver, break Magneto out of prison in Days Of Future Past, which wouldn't have been quite as cool, but this concept version is at least better than the design The Last Stand went with.

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