10 X-Men Movie Concept Designs Better Than What We Got

7. More Epic Ninja Battle (The Wolverine)

Tim Flatter X Men Concept Art

The Wolverine trilogy got steadily better with each instalment, beginning with the disappointing X-Men Origins and concluding with the exceptional Logan. Middle chapter The Wolverine is widely regarded as an improvement on the character's first solo outing, but it's difficult to claim it's anything more than average.

That said, it may have been more memorable if Logan's battle with the Black Ninja Clan had been closer to the way it was imagined during the concept design phase. The version in the movie was a decent set piece with motor bikes, fatalities and Wolvie telling the head ninja to "go f**k yourself", but it wasn't on this scale.

The battle in the illustration features way more ninjas, some of whom are packing chains and bow and arrows, and they're coming at Logan in a single chaotic wave. What's more, this showdown looks far bloodier.

It didn't turn out so bad in the movie, but the design concept seems to promise the kind of Wolverine badassery the fans were denied until Logan arrived last year.

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