3. Batman: The Mask Of The Phantasm Toy Revealed The Secret Identity Of The Villain
A feature-length spin-off of the acclaimed Batman animated series, the story finds Batman going up against a mysterious vigilante dubbed The Phantasm, who is bumping off criminals in Gotham. There are a number of possible suspects including The Joker himself - but the reveal that its really Bruce Waynes ex-girlfriend Andrea Beaumont is a shocking twist. Unless people saw a toy for The Phantasm before the movies came out, which has Andrea unmasked and wearing the suit. Why the distributor couldnt have at least had her wearing the Phantasm helmet to preserve the surprise isnt known, and this might be one of the earliest examples of a movie revealing a major spoiler through a toyline. The movie is still great regardless, but its a pity a lack of foresight lead to such a key secret being ruined.