11 Movie Cliffhangers That Were Ignored In The Sequel

9. Species 2 Didn't Give A Rat's A** About The Ending Of Species

Species was the much-rented sci-fi thriller about a mostly naked alien woman trying to mate with earth men and create a new species that would destroy the planet. Her plan ultimately came to nothing, however, because Michael Madsen blew her head off with a grenade launcher and fried her evil alien baby to a crisp with a flame thrower. Since everyone loves a good cliffhanger Species ends on a nearby rat chewing on an alien body part, and the last moments see it mutate and attack another rat; the implication being an army of mutant rats is about to destroy mankind. The sequel, of course, ignores this angle, and if the rats ever bothered humanity nobody brings it up. Instead, we have a clone of hot alien chick, who tries to get in touch with a hot alien dude so they can try once again to create a new species. Michael Madsen €“ who is ever the alien party pooper €“ puts a stop to that nonsense too.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.