11 Movie Cliffhangers That Were Ignored In The Sequel

8. XXX 2 Didn't Find Xander Cage On Another Mission

xXx is the bridesmaid franchise of Vin Diesel; it was supposed to be his €œextreme€ version of Bond, but he got bored after one entry and bailed. The movie even ended with his character Xander Cage on a sunny beach, with Sam Jackson€™s mentor telling him to get ready for his next mission. That cliffhanger came to nothing, and Ice Cube was drafted in for a sequel nobody wanted or needed. The film mentions Cage was killed off-screen in a mission, and there was even a short film showing Cage €“ well, Vin Diesel€™s stunt double - being blown up and his famous xXx tattoo being the only bit of him that survives the explosion. Since he has an acute case of franchise addiction Diesel is now returning for xXx 3, which will no doubt ignore his death in the second movie so he can get back to what his does best; drive vehicles away from explosions while grumbling inaudible dialogue.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.