12 Acting Salaries You Simply Won't Believe

7. Jack Nicholson - Batman

Salary: $60 Million (Estimated) Jack Nicholson was practically born to play The Joker; the producers of the film knew it, and unfortunately for them, Nicholson€™s agent knew it too. When Jack appeared hesitant to sign up Warner Bros. made a show of going to other actors like Robin Williams instead, which had the desired effect of bringing him to the negotiation table. For playing the role, Jack agreed to cut down his salary, in exchange for a share of the films merchandise AND a share of the Batman sequels too. When Batman cleaned up at the box office, Jack is estimated to have earned between $50-60 million for his work. Taking the sequels into account, that figure probably shoots up significantly. Jack€™s deal also included an option to appear in a potential sequel, and he was set to make a cameo €“ alongside The Penguin, Two-Face and Catwoman - in an hallucination caused by The Scarecrow in Batman Triumphant. But with Batman & Robin killing the franchise on the spot, those plans came to nothing.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.