12 Acting Salaries You Simply Won't Believe

6. Harrison Ford - Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Salary: $65 Million Harrison Ford was taking it easy at the beginning of the new century; he only made a handful of movies and appeared content chilling out and flying helicopters instead. When the belated fourth Indiana Jones movie finally got moving he needed powerful motivation to get involved, and the script didn€™t exactly provide it. The money involved was a large motivator, and he made a sweet deal €“ alongside Lucas and Spielberg €“ to share in the film's profits. Sadly people ignored the negative early buzz, and Crystal Skull made an ungodly amount of money. After the fridge had been thoroughly nuked, Ford dusted himself off and walked into the sunset with $65 million in his back pocket. Shia LaBeouf would later claim he and Ford had conversations about how weak the movie was; Ford however would call him a €œf***ing idiot€ for badmouthing the film.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.