12 Best Comic Book Movie Trailers Ever

7. Batman (#Trailer 2)

Watching it now, the trailer for Tim Burton's big-screen take on the Caped Crusader isn't a particularly slick effort, at least not in comparison to what we're used to these days from superhero movies. But there is some context required for this one.

Superhero movies weren't the booming industry they are now, especially after the likes of Superman IV and Supergirl, so that alone cast doubts over the project. Meanwhile Batman, in the live-action sense at least, was still most commonly associated with the camp Adam West TV series. Then there was its star, Michael Keaton, who received a major fan backlash (fans angry over the actor cast as Batman? What a crazy time the 80s were...) due to being a 'comedy actor'.

This teaser, then, and the quickly cobbled-together one that preceded it, had one job: put all those fears to bed. It was a rarity for trailers, both then and now, with no voiceover, a lack of music, and hardly any sense of plot, instead just a random cutting of images. But it worked, massively. People flocked to theatres, paying money just to see this trailer. Worries turned to excitement.

The marketing campaign went into overdrive, and Batman became 1989's biggest movie. It may not be what we think of as a great trailer nowadays, but back then it changed the game.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.