12 Horrific Horror Movie Deaths You’ve (Probably) Never Seen
11. Turning Into A Giant Tumour - Food Of The Gods II
Food Of The Gods II is a rather silly creature feature, about an evil doctor experimenting on giant rats. These rats naturally escape and start gnawing on innocent people, and it’s up to a really bland hero to stop them.
It’s quite insane and campy, but with the right level of intoxication, there’s fun to be had. It also contains an unbelievably gross demise for the evil scientist, who is messing around with cancerous dog tumours before accidentally cutting his finger on a sample. He immediately starts to develop horrible tumours all over his body, which leak pus and goo everywhere.
The film really lingers on his suffering, with the tumours growing ever larger as he gradually dissolves into a puddle of slime. It doesn’t make for a pleasant watch, but that will teach him for messing around with giant rats.