12 Horrific Horror Movie Deaths You’ve (Probably) Never Seen

9. Being Crushed Inside A Shark's Mouth - Jaws 3D

Aenigma Slugs

Despite being a sequel to one of the best blockbusters ever made, there’s a good chance modern day viewers haven’t seen Jaws 3-D; even if they tried, they'd probably fell asleep well before the end. It’s a remarkably dull movie, where a huge shark goes on a rampage in SeaWorld, while Dennis Quaid sorts out some boring relationship problems.

There’s not much of a body count either, though it’s surprisingly gory in places. The only noteworthy demise is that of FitzRoyce, the cocky British hunter who lures the shark into a tunnel to trap it. Things are going swimmingly enough until his lifeline breaks, and the air in the tunnel pushes him inside the shark's open maw.

We’re then treated to a view inside the shark as FitzRoyce is crushed by shark’s jaws, complete with his helpless screams and the sound of his bones snapping.

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