12 Most Dark And Twisted Movie Scenes Of 2017
6. Mother! – Baby Back Ribs
Easily 2017’s most provocative movie, Darren Aronofsky’s mindf**k horror mother! divided viewers last year. One camp was pissed off the fairly straightforward horror that’d been advertised to them was actually self-indulgent arthouse tosh, another praised its audacious ambition while another camp was affronted by its biblical allegories and what they saw as needless violence.
Its detractors certainly weren’t wrong about the violence. In one of its darkest scenes we see the titular Mother (Jennifer Lawrence) have her newborn baby son ripped away from her by her awful husband Javier Bardem, who then hands him over to a crowd of his bloodthirsty followers who subsequently crowd-surf the poor little nipper over their heads and break his neck with a stomach-churning snap.
As if seeing an infant child die in such a way isn’t twisted and harrowing enough, Aronofsky then has the baying horde tear the baby to shreds and literally devour him. Yep, cannibalising a baby – he really went there.