12 Movies With Way Happier Endings Than You'd Ever Expect

11. Gemini Man

The Sister Brothers

Gemini Man is by no stretch a great film, but it's certainly a fun watch that reminds us Will Smith is a superb actor- even if de-aging him to his Fresh Prince of Bel Air days might not be a smart move.

Will Smith is a retiring US Government assassin who finds himself hunted by a cloned younger version of himself (who is being steered by a sinister Clive Owen) and from the trailers, it was inevitable the two would eventually team up but there was also a suspicion that one of them would lose their life.

Surprisingly enough, the original and cloned Will Smiths' team up to fight off the menacing soldiers vying to bring them down, and Original Smith spares Cloned Smith the burden of killing Clive Owen by doing it himself.

The film then flash-forwards to a bizarre epilogue where Cloned Smith is enrolled in University and set to live a normal life. Original Smith and Mary Elizabeth Winstead's character have taken mantles as his pseudo-parents.

While it's a scene that seems to jump out of a completely different film, it should be considered a happy ending since both Smiths find peace with one another.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!