Although this one hasnt been confirmed for sure there has been a lot of chatter around recently. Spielberg has joked (threatened?) in a couple of interviews about wanting to work with Harrison Ford on another Indiana Jones. The series producer also came out and said they would never recast Ford, claiming theyre not doing the Bond thing. He did suggest that the baton could be passed to somebody else, meaning a new hero could be mentored by Ford or his son Mutt could get a Chris Pratt shaped recasting. They would have a lot of work to do to repair the damage Kingdom Of The Crystal Skill did to the character. It was hugely successful but like the Star Wars prequels everybody seemed to hate it. Nuke the Fridge is now a recognised term for destroying a franchise and memories of Shia LaBeouf swinging with CGI monkeys is still too fresh in people's minds. Even LaBeouf came out and said the movie disappointed the audience. It would be nice if they could just leave this alone, but they'll probably try to make use of Harrison Ford while he's still game for some baton passing.