13 Comic Book Villains That Movies Ruined Worse Than Dr Doom
3. Mr. Freeze (Batman & Robin)
Depending on your perspective, Arnold Schwarznegger's performance as Mr. Freeze is either the best or worst thing about Batman And Robin. Though his character's origin story is basically fine, the look of the character is laughable (especially when carrying that giant ray-gun), and Arnie is forced to work his way through a litany of sigh-inducing ice-related puns, including "Let's kick some ice!", "You're not taking me to the cooler!" and most infamously, "You know what killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!" Though Mr. Freeze is an inherently silly villain like, say, Killer Croc, did Joel Schumacher really needs to emphasise this fact to such a childish degree? Arnie's clearly having fun in the part, but so much so that it completely undermines any sense of threat his hulking size would otherwise imply. Plus, the ending, in which Freeze redeems himself by giving Batman the antidote for MacGregor's Syndrome in order to save Alfred, is too sappy and essentially gimps the character beyond all recognition.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.