13 Critically Acclaimed Recent Movies That Actually Sucked

2. Alien: Covenant

Alien Covenant Fassbender
20th Century Fox

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 71% (6.4/10)

What The Critics Said: If you dug Prometheus, you'll definitely dig Ridley Scott's latest visually lavish, grisly entry into the Alien franchise, driven of course by Michael Fassbender's virtuoso dual performance.

Why It Actually Sucked: There's no point denying that Fassbender is excellent in this, but after Prometheus managed to score an impressive 73% on the Tomatometer despite its litany of scripting issues, fans pretty much stopped taking critical consensus on the Alien series seriously.

Considering that Covenant is essentially a sci-fi slasher movie starring a cast of brilliant actors mostly wasted as idiotic colonists, it did well to end up Certified Fresh with critics, especially after all the Prometheus fallout.

All this disparity proves is that there's a huge gulf of opinion between critics, who are more likely to be casual purveyors of the Alien franchise, than the actual dedicated fans who expected more from a cast and crew this talented. The fans were right to do so.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.