13 Critically Acclaimed Recent Movies That Actually Sucked

10. Free Fire

Brie Larson Free Fire
StudioCanal UK

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 67% (6.3/10)

What The Critics Said: The latest effort from Kill List director Ben Wheatley received positive notices for making the most of its confined premise, Wheatley's typical eccentric approach to action, and of course, the splendid cast.

Why It Actually Sucked: This one was a real disappointment given the pedigree behind it, a single-location thriller overly indebted to Reservoir Dogs in numerous ways.

Perhaps the biggest issue with the movie, however, is Wheatley's weirdly poor direction, failing to make proper spatial sense of the central shootout, such that it's frequently disorientating (and not in a good way), consequently making it a chore to care much about what's going on.

That's without even mentioning how horrendously Bree Larson is under-utilised, and that after a while, the never-ending hail of bullets becomes more monotonous than entertaining, even with the film running just 91 minutes in length.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.