13 Marvel Movie Moments When Tony Stark Looked Totally Bad-Ass

3. Emerging From The Cave (Iron Man)

After a successful demonstration of his company's Jericho missile, Tony Stark is being escorted away by a U.S. military convoy when it is attacked by Afghan terrorists. Stark's designated bodyguards are all killed and Stark himself is captured, injured and unconscious (but he is alive - he just requires some pretty drastic surgery). He awakens, an unspecified amount of time later, to find himself in an Afghan cave with an electromagnet installed (by his fellow captive Yinsen) in his chest to keep him alive and is told to build one of his Jericho missiles for his captors, who wish to use Stark's weapons in their terrorist activities. In secret (which absolutely requires balls of steel), what he actually does is builds himself a suit of powered armour (which is now known as the Iron Man Mark 1 armour), which he ultimately puts on and fights his way out single-handedly, like a complete and utter bad-ass, before emerging from the cave and using an in-built flame-thrower to scare the living hell out of the men who had held him captive.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.