13 Planned Film Trilogies That Need To Be Completed

11. The Raid 3

Indonesian actioner The Raid was a breath of fresh air for the genre, featuring bone-crunching violence and beautifully choreographed fight scenes. The sequel had a sizable increase in scope and number of characters, and managed to be just as great. Welsh (!) director Gareth Evans promised a third movie would follow, but also that he was in no hurry to make it. He planned to work on a couple of other projects after years of back to back Raid movies, and felt he needed to tackle other genres before he got typecast. He only hinted at what the plot of part three would be, cryptically teasing it would start two hours before the end of The Raid 2, and would explore areas of the story the audience didn€™t know about. Evans is aiming for a 2019 release for The Raid 3, so hopefully he'll meet that date and finish off maybe the best action series of the 21st Century; sorry about that, Fast & Furious.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.