13 Silly Mistakes You Won't Believe Made It Into Star Trek Movies

5. Where Did The Body Go?

star trek closer

In Star Trek: Insurrection, Picard, Data and Anij discover a cloaked Federation Holoship, hidden in the lake near the Baku village. They open the doors to find a perfect recreation of the said village inside, at which Picard deduces the point of the vessel must be to move the population without their knowledge. As if to prove his theory, a Son'a officer appears and begins firing at them.

The scene contains a number of continuity errors. First, it was established in the opening scene that phaser fire disrupts holograms, yet there is no such disruption here. Second, when Picard and Anij entered the ship, they were able to step onto it gently. However, when Picard pushes Anij out to protect her, she falls a good fifteen feet.

For this list, the Son'a officer himself is the cause of the issue. First, Picard and Data shoot him, causing him to fall onto a clearly visible crashmat. Then, once Picard gives the command for the Holoship to end the program, there should be a body on the deck where the officer fell, yet there is nothing left behind. If the officer was a hologram the whole time, why was he affected by their phaser fire?


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick