13 Worst Performances In Otherwise Awesome Blockbusters

3. Halle Berry (Storm) - X-Men

Storm Halle Berry
20th Century Fox

The Movie: Take your pick from the first two X-Men movies, which saw Bryan Singer bring the iconic mutants to the big screen in thrillingly ground-breaking style.

The Performance: For starters, the original 2000 X-Men movie had Halle Berry adopt a nondescript African accent for Storm as per the demands of the source material, though her shoddy accent was poorly received by fans, and so was subsequently ditched for 2003's X2.

Even with her acting profile getting a substantial boost with an Oscar win in-between the two movies, she still made for a rather uninspired, even straight-up forgettable Storm, lost in the shuffle amid a far more interesting cast of mutants.

It's basically partly Berry's fault and partly the scripts': after all, how much can any actor do with that howlingly bad "toad struck by lightning" line?

Still, Alexandra Shipp did something much more refreshing and interesting with the character in X-Men: Apocalypse despite having only a supporting part in a jam-packed (and really not very good) movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.