6. Terminator: Genisys Gets A Terrible Title
The fifth Terminator installment, directed by Game of Thrones and Thor: The Dark World helmer Aaron Taylor, has just wrapped production. To celebrate the occasion, Arnold Schwarzenegger took to Twitter to thank the cast and crew, and get fans excited about the film's July 1, 2015 release date. He did so by posting an image of himself in a chair embossed with the film's official title. Unfortunately, that title is Terminator: Genisys. Your eyes are not deceiving you, and our spell-check is not broken. The actual subtitle is Genisys, which suggests that either a) someone on the production accidentally wrote the wrong title on all of the crew's t-shirts and chairs, forcing the studio to go with the poorly spelled title, or b) the title implies some kind of computer software that Skynet creates. Schwarzenegger is clearly standing in front of a wall that has the world GENISYS across it, suggesting that perhaps it's the name or acronym for some technology company or product.