15 Insufferable Movie Protagonists That Ruined Their Movies

12. Nick - The Festival

Bella Swan
Fudge Park Productions

The Festival is an awful British comedy that is a clear attempt from the guys behind The Inbetweeners (who made the film) to try and replicate the success of that past show. Unfortunately, they failed to do this.

A big sign of this is not only Joe Thomas, AKA Simon from The Inbetweeners, being in it but also that he's playing a character who is basically Simon from The Inbetweeners. There's one big difference though: where Simon was a great character and annoying in a funny, relatable way, The Festival's Nick just isn't likable, as many of the other characters (even his best mate) openly acknowledge.

He's a selfish and rude killjoy from start to finish. While in the third act the film gives him the typical realization of his flaws and character change, it isn't enough to make him a likable character. He stuck out even worse since the other two main characters, Shane and Amy, are far more endearing than he is.

In general, this is a mean-spirited and unlikable comedy and these issues are reflected in Nick, who makes the film an even more sour viewing experience.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.